Wild Life
Wild Life Sanctuary : Semarsot Wildlife Sanctuary

The sanctuary is located near Semarsot on the Ambikapur- Daltongunj road. Semarsot is about 50 kms from Ambikapur district headquarters of Surguja district. The nearest railway station is at Ambikapur. The nearest airport is Darmia Airport, Ambikapur CG 18Km from Gandhi Chowk. The area is situated in the northern extension of Ramgarh hills in a north-easterly direction. The area has a border with Bihar state in the east. Tropic of Cancer passes through the area.
- Area : The area of the sanctuary is 430.36 Sq. Kms.
- Latitude and Longitude : Latitude : 22º 45′ (N), Longitude: 84º (E).
- Date and year of notification : 1978.
Designation of the Officer in charge and Phone No.:
Divisional Forest Officer,
(East) Surguja Divsion,
Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh.
Phone No.: Office: 07774-240765, Res: 222336.
Semarsot Wildlife Sanctuary,
P.O. Ambikapur,
Dist.Surguja, Chhattisgarh.
Forest Types:
The forest types found in the sanctuary are
- Sal forest
- Mixed deciduous forest and
- Riverine forest

The species that generally occur are Shorea robusta, Terminalia alata, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia arjuna Terminalia bellerica, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Anogeissus latifolia, Adina cordfolia, adhuca indica, Emblica officinalis, Butea monosperma, Pterocarpus marsupium, Grewia species etc.

As per the 1997 census of animals, there were 1 Tiger and 19 Lepards in the sanctuary. The other animals found are Gour, Chital, Sambar, Sloth bear, Nigai, Chinkara, Wild boar, Fox, Jungle cat, Wild dogs etc. A variety of reptiles and birds are also seen.
- Good time for visiting: January to May.
- Nearest town: Samarsot (50 kms).
- Nearest Airport and distance to the sanctuary: Varanasi (315 kms).
- Nearest Railway Station from the sanctuary: Jainagar
- Accommodation: Rest houses and hotels are available at Ambikapur.