

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Under National Health Mission – Date list of skill test of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment

Under National Health Mission – Date list of skill test of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur
District Surguja, (CG)

07/01/2025 17/01/2025 View (2 MB)
:: Important Information :: The category wise preliminary list of attendance sheet for written/skill/interview test in priority order of the applications for various vacant contractual posts at district level under National Health Mission has been published in the notice board and the official website of the district. This list is not the final selection list. After the skill/written test, the final and category wise list will be published on the basis of educational qualification, experience/bonus marks and total marks obtained in skill test as per the prescribed/rules of point number (3.7) given in the advertisement.

:: Important Information ::
The category wise preliminary list of attendance sheet for written/skill/interview test in priority order of the applications for various vacant contractual posts at district level under National Health Mission has been published in the notice board and the official website of the district. This list is not the final selection list. After the skill/written test, the final and category wise list will be published on the basis of educational qualification, experience/bonus marks and total marks obtained in skill test as per the prescribed/rules of point number (3.7) given in the advertisement.

All the candidates are informed to keep visiting the official website of the district regularly. All the information related to the advertisement will be provided through the website and information/list will be posted in the office.

The office will not be responsible for any information received by the applicants through any other medium.

08/01/2025 17/01/2025 View (547 KB)
Regarding taking attendance as per supplementary selection list of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resource.

Regarding taking attendance as per supplementary selection list of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resource.

Office of District Panchayat Surguja Ambikapur (CG)

15/01/2025 17/01/2025 View (465 KB) Ambikapur Purak Suchi (360 KB) Mainpat Purak Suchi (316 KB) Udaipur Purak Suchi (257 KB) Lakhanpur Purak Suchi (377 KB) Sitapur Purak Suchi (267 KB)
Selection list of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resource

Selection list of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resource

Office of District Panchayat Surguja

10/01/2025 15/01/2025 View (417 KB) 02 Suchna Ptra (369 KB) Ambikapur JP (2 MB) Batauli JP (418 KB) Lakhanpur JP (1 MB) Lundra JP (793 KB) Mainpat JP (855 KB) Sitapur JP (971 KB) Udaipur JP (888 KB)
Provisional list for recruitment to the vacant posts of Anganwadi Worker -03, Mini Worker – 07 and Assistant -33 in Child Development Project Lundra.

Provisional list for recruitment to the vacant posts of Anganwadi Worker -03, Mini Worker – 07 and Assistant -33 in Child Development Project Lundra.

Claim objection applications are being invited from 08.01.2025 to 14.01.2025.

Office of Project Officer, Integrated Child Development Services Project Lundra District Surguja (CG)

08/01/2025 14/01/2025 View (518 KB) AWW (2 MB) AWW mini (3 MB) AWH (9 MB)
Guidelines regarding written/skill/interview examination for recruitment of contractual posts under National Health Mission

Guidelines regarding written/skill/interview examination for recruitment of contractual posts under National Health Mission

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur District – Surguja, (CG)

02/01/2025 11/01/2025 View (2 MB) 1 Psychologist – Clinical (174 KB) 4 MO – AYUSH (M) (625 KB) 5 MO – AYUSH (F) (1 MB) 6 Psychologists (DEIC) (298 KB) 7 Social Worker – NMHP (288 KB) 8 Block Manager – Account (539 KB) 9 Physiotherapist (866 KB) 10 Nursing Officer (947 KB) 13 Staff Nurse – SNCU & NBSU (3 MB) 16 Secretarial Assistant – NMHP (532 KB) 17 Secretarial Assistant (DPMU) (515 KB) 19 Jr. Secretarial Assistant (BPMU) (271 KB) 21 Class 4 (NUHM) (560 KB) 22 Lab Assistant (DPHL) (568 KB) 23 Cook cum care taker (272 KB) 24 Attendant (254 KB) 25 Staff Nurse – (UHWC) (2 MB) 27 Jr. Secretarial Assistant (UHWC) (2 MB) 28 Class 4 (UHWC) (2 MB) 20 Jr. Secretarial Assistant (PADA)-1 (4 MB)
Disposal of claims and selection list after advertisement issued for contractual recruitment from district level under National AIDS Control Program

Disposal of claims and selection list after advertisement issued for contractual recruitment from district level under National AIDS Control Program

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer Ambikapur District Surguja (CG)

(District AIDS Control Committee Ambikapur)

09/12/2024 08/01/2025 View (215 KB) dawa apati nirakarn LT (339 KB) dawa apatti nirakarn counsellor (356 KB) selection and waiting list LT (393 KB) Selection and waiting list counsellor (452 KB)
General list of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment(C.H.O. Post) under National Health Mission along with claim objection list

General list of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment (C.H.O. Post) under National Health Mission along with claim objection list

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur

27/12/2024 06/01/2025 View (271 KB) CHO Post and Withheld Post Information Display (585 KB) 12 CHO (8 MB)
List of eligible/ineligible after scrutiny of applications received by the offices regarding availing services of yoga training/sports teachers/trainers in 08 schools selected in Surguja district under PM Shri Yojana

List of eligible/ineligible after scrutiny of applications received by the offices regarding availing services of yoga training/sports teachers/trainers in 08 schools selected in Surguja district under PM Shri Yojana

District Mission Coordinator Samagra Shiksha Ambikapur

20/11/2024 20/12/2024 View (3 MB)
Revised press release for recruitment to the post of guest lecturer

Revised press release for recruitment to the post of guest lecturer

Office of Principal/Nodal Officer Industrial Training Institute, Ambikapur

28/11/2024 15/12/2024 View (2 MB)