

Title Description Start Date End Date File
List of selection and claim objections of women self-help groups

List of selection and claim objections of women self-help groups

District Program Officer Women and Child Development Department

15/09/2020 31/10/2020 View (30 KB) Mahila Bal Samuh Chayan (246 KB)
Selection of  various posts and list of eligible ineligible / contractual recruitment in government excellent (English medium) school – Sitapur

Selection of  various posts and list of eligible ineligible / contractual recruitment in government excellent (English medium) school – Sitapur

Office of District Education Officer / Secretary Government Excellent (English medium) Higher Secondary School, Devgarh, Sitapur

21/09/2020 31/10/2020 View (49 KB) AG2 deputation_AG2 CONTRACTUAL (279 KB) AG3 deputation_AG3 CONTRACTUAL (373 KB) ASST TEACHER English deputation_ASST TEACHER English contractual (152 KB) ASST TEACHER HINDI deputation_ASST TEACHER HINDI contractual (139 KB) ASST TEACHER maths deputation_ASST TEACHER maths contractual (82 KB) asst teacher science deputation_asst teacher science contractual (109 KB) asst teacher ss deputation_asst teacher ss contractual (104 KB) comp teacher deputation_Comp teacher contractual (370 KB) Devgarh Reject form (83 KB) hm ms deputation_hm ms contractual (82 KB) hm PS deputation_hm PS contractual (74 KB) LAB ASST DEPUTATION_LAB ASST CONTRACTUAL (343 KB) Lect Bio Contractual (67 KB) lect English deputation_lect english contractual (135 KB) lect hindi deputation_Lect Hindi Contractual (151 KB) lect maths deputation_Lect MAths Contractual (81 KB) lect sanskrit deputation_lect sanskrit contractual (161 KB) Lect Social Science Contractual (35 KB) Libr Deputation_Libr Contractual (161 KB) Peon deputation_Peon contractual (645 KB) PTI DEPUTATION_PTI CONTRACTUAL (96 KB) Teacher English Deputation_Teacher English Contractual (100 KB) Teacher maths deputation_teacher maths contractual (96 KB) tEACHER SCIENCE dEPUTATION_tEACHER SCIENCE CONTRACATUAL (108 KB) teacher ss deputation_teacher ss contractual (104 KB) Watchmen DEPUTATION_Watchmen CONTRACTUAL (158 KB)
Rescheduled interview date for Various Post, Contract Recruitment At Government Excellent (English Medium) School, Bramhpara, Ambikapur

Rescheduled interview date for Various Post, Contract Recruitment At Government Excellent (English Medium) School

Office of District Education Officer / Secretary Government Excellent (English medium) Higher Secondary School, Bramhpara, Ambikapur

24/10/2020 31/10/2020 View (990 KB)
Final priority list, eligible / ineligible and final selection / waiting list for departmental promotion – Health Department Surguja Division

Final priority list, eligible / ineligible and final selection / waiting list for departmental promotion-Health Department Surguja Division

Divisional Joint Director Health Services Surguja Division

20/09/2020 20/10/2020 View (6 MB) ANM SE STAFF NURS NEW (10 MB) LEKHAPAL SE HEADCLERC NEW (3 MB) MPW SE LEBTECNICIYAN (5 MB) mahila parvechak SE bee_compressed (3 MB) purus parvechk SE bee_compressed (4 MB) Letter HD (33 KB)
Seniority list of eligible Teacher (Panchayat) Employees, who has completed 2 years or more service on 01/11/2020 for Samviliyan in School Education Department

Seniority list of eligible Teacher (Panchayat) Employees, who has completed 2 years or more service on 01/11/2020 for Samviliyan in School Education Department

Claim Objection Invited

Office of Zila Panchayat Surguja Ambikapur

09/10/2020 10/10/2020 View (363 KB)
Seniority list of eligible Lecturer (Panchayat) Employees, who has completed 2 years or more service on 01/11/2020 for Samviliyan in School Education Department

Seniority list of eligible Lecturer (Panchayat) Employees, who has completed 2 years or more service on 01/11/2020 for Samviliyan in School Education Department

Claim Objection Invited

Office of Zila Panchayat Surguja Ambikapur

09/10/2020 10/10/2020 View (693 KB)
CMHO – Selected and waiting list of the following posts under Kovid-19 at the district level

CMHO – Selected and waiting list of the following posts under Kovid-19 at the district level

Chief Medical and Health Officer Ambikapur

26/08/2020 30/09/2020 View (447 KB) LAB Attendent (60 KB) LAB Technician (250 KB) Swakshta Karmi (263 KB)
Eligible & Non-Eligible Candidate List For Various Post, Deputation / Contract Recruitment At Government Excellent (English Medium) School, Bramhpara, Ambikapur

Eligible & Non-Eligible Candidate List For Various Post, Deputation / Contract Recruitment At Government Excellent (English Medium) School, Bramhpara, Ambikapur

Claim Objection Invited Till 28/09/2020

Office of District Education Officer / Secretary Government Excellent (English medium) Higher Secondary School, Bramhpara, Ambikapur

19/09/2020 28/09/2020 View (686 KB) HM MS deputation_HM MS Contractual (107 KB) HM PS deputation_HM PS Contractual (97 KB) computer teacher deputation_computer teacher Contractual (452 KB) AG 2 deputaton_AG 2 Contractual (435 KB) AG 3 deputaton_AG 3 Contractual (306 KB) asst Teacher english Deputation_asst Teacher english Contractual (167 KB) asst Teacher hindi Deputation_asst Teacher hindi Contractual (115 KB) asst Teacher MATHS Deputation_asst Teacher MATHS Contractual (123 KB) asst Teacher SCIENCE Deputation_asst Teacher Science Contractual (194 KB) asst Teacher SOCIAL SCIENCE Deputation_asst Teacher SOCIAL SCIENCE Contractual (128 KB) Lab Assist Deputation_Lab Assist Contractual (378 KB) Lect biology Deputation_Lect biology contractual (111 KB) Lect chem Deputation_Lect chem contractual (95 KB) Lect ENGLISH Deputation_Lect ENGLISH contractual (161 KB) Lect HINDI Deputation_Lect HINDI contractual (194 KB) Lect MATHS deputation_Lect MATHS contractual (94 KB) Lect PHYSICS contractual (61 KB) Lect SANSKRIT Deputation_Lect SANSKRIT contractual (211 KB) Lect SOCIAL SCIENCE Deputation_Lect SOCIAL SCIENCE contractual (98 KB) Librarian Deputation_Librarian Contractual (170 KB) PTI deputaton_PTI Contractual (107 KB) Teacher english Deputation_Teacher english Contractual (153 KB) Teacher maths Deputation_Teacher Maths Contractual (130 KB) Teacher Science Deputation_Teacher Science Contractual (153 KB) Teacher Social Science Deputation_Teacher Social Science Contractual (120 KB) Peon deputation_peon Contractual (444 KB) watchmen deputaton_watchmen Contractual (151 KB) reject due to late (4 MB)
CMHO-Publication of advertised posts for KOVID-19 and list for claim objection and interview

At the district level, the general list of revised applications received and the list of eligible / ineligible in respect of the following posts under Covid-19

Chief Medical and Health Officer Ambikapur

10/08/2020 31/08/2020 View (89 KB) दावा आपत्ति Lab Attendent (2 MB) दावा आपत्ति LTechni (2 MB) दावा आपत्ति Staf Nurs सूची (3 MB) दावा_आपत्ति_स्वच्छताकर्मी (2 MB)
Deputation / Contract Recruitment For Various Post At Government Excellent (English Medium) School – Sitapur

Deputation / Contract Recruitment For Various Post At Government Excellent (English Medium) School, Devgarh, Sitapur

Office of District Education Officer / Secretary Government Excellent (English medium) Higher Secondary School, Devgarh, Sitapur

05/08/2020 26/08/2020 View (524 KB)