

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin, the target set for housing construction in the district has been increased from 23647 to 27632. Keeping in view the increase in the target, as a result of the formation of new clusters, the number of total 171 Awas Mitra / dedicated human resources is increased for the designated clusters of Janpad Panchayats.

Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin, the target set for housing construction in the district has been increased from 23647 to 27632. Keeping in view the increase in the target, as a result of the formation of new clusters, the number of total 171 Awas Mitra / dedicated human resources is increased for the designated clusters of Janpad Panchayats.

Office of Zila Panchayat Surguja Ambikapur (CG)

14/01/2025 13/02/2025 View (333 KB)
Claim objection resolution list cum merit wise eligible-ineligible list of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment under National Health Mission

Claim objection resolution list cum merit wise eligible-ineligible list of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment under National Health Mission

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur

19/12/2024 31/01/2025 View (715 KB) 1 Psychologist – Clinical (Apatra) (804 KB) 1 Psychologist – Clinical (Patra) (334 KB) 4 MO – AYUSH (M) Apatra (488 KB) 4 MO – AYUSH (M) Patra (877 KB) 5 MO – AYUSH (F) Apatra (474 KB) 5 MO – AYUSH (F) Patra (3 MB) 6 Psychologists DEIC) Apatra (340 KB) 6 Psychologists DEIC) Patra (897 KB) 7 Social Worker – NMHP (Apatra) (804 KB) 7 Social Worker – NMHP (Patra) (965 KB) 8 Block Manager – Account (Apatra) (1 MB) 8 Block Manager – Account (Patra) (1 MB) 9 Physiotherapist (Apatra) (339 KB) 9 Physiotherapist (Patra) (997 KB) 10 Nursing Officer (NHM+NMHP) Apatra (4 MB) 10 Nursing Officer (NHM+NMHP) Patra (6 MB) 13 Staff Nurse – SNCU & NBSU (Apatra) (4 MB) 13 Staff Nurse – SNCU & NBSU (Patra) (6 MB) 15 Dental Assistant (DEIC) Apatra (940 KB) 15 Dental Assistant (DEIC) Patra (329 KB) 16 Secretarial Assistant – NMHP (Apatra) (1 MB) 16 Secretarial Assistant – NMHP (Patra) (3 MB) 17 Secretarial Assistant (DPMU) Apatra (816 KB) 17 Secretarial Assistant (DPMU) Patra (2 MB) 18 ANM (RBSK + NUHM) Apatra (2 MB) 18 ANM (RBSK + NUHM) Patra (3 MB) 19 Jr. Secretarial Assistant (BPMU) Apatra (851 KB) 19 Jr. Secretarial Assistant (BPMU) Patra (1 MB) 20 Jr. Secretarial Assistant – (PADA & LDC) Apatra (2 MB) 20 Jr. Secretarial Assistant – (PADA & LDC) Patra (8 MB) 21 Class 4 (NUHM) Apatra (820 KB) 21 Class 4 (NUHM) Patra (3 MB) 22 Lab Assistant (DPHL) Apatra (519 KB) 22 Lab Assistant (DPHL) Patra (2 MB) 23 Cook cum care taker (Apatra) (981 KB) 23 Cook cum care taker (Patra) (1 MB) 24 Attendant (NRC) Aptra (2 MB) 24 Attendant (NRC) Patra (1 MB) 25 Staff Nurse – (UHWC) Apatra (2 MB) 25 Staff Nurse – (UHWC) Patra (5 MB) 26 MPW (UHWC) Apatra (902 KB) 26 MPW (UHWC) Patra (4 MB) 27 Jr. Secretrial – Assistant (UHWC) Apatra (2 MB) 27 Jr. Secretrial – Assistant (UHWC) Patra (5 MB) 28 Class 4 – (UHWC) Apatra (2 MB) 28 Class 4 – (UHWC) Patra (4 MB)
-:: Corrigendum ::- Swami Atmanand Government Excellent (English Medium) School – In point number 14 of page number 11 of official contract recruitment number / 225 / Sages / contract / recruitment / 2024-25 / Ambikapur / dated 08.01.2025 “Demo – 29.01.2029 Wednesday 10:00 AM till End” It is marked. Which should be read as “Demo – 29.01.2025 on Wednesday from 10:00 am till the end”. The remaining terms and conditions of the advertisement will remain unchanged.

-:: Corrigendum ::- Swami Atmanand Government Excellent (English Medium) School – In point number 14 of page number 11 of official contract recruitment number / 225 / Sages / contract / recruitment / 2024-25 / Ambikapur / dated 08.01.2025 “Demo – 29.01.2029 Wednesday 10:00 AM till End” It is marked. Which should be read as “Demo – 29.01.2025 on Wednesday from 10:00 am till the end”. The remaining terms and conditions of the advertisement will remain unchanged.


Office of District Education Officer Ambikapur

09/01/2025 29/01/2025 View (1,015 KB)
Claim objection resolution list of applications received for the post of Community Health Officer under advertisement issued for contractual recruitment along with merit order wise eligible ineligible list and attendance list for written / skill / interview examination

Claim objection resolution list of applications received for the post of Community Health Officer under advertisement issued for contractual recruitment along with merit order wise eligible ineligible list and attendance list for written / skill / interview examination

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur District – Surguja, (CG)

17/01/2025 29/01/2025 View (2 MB) CHO Patra List_0001 (9 MB) CHO Apatra List_0001 (5 MB) CHO List for Exam 29 Jan 2025_0001 (4 MB)
The date of written/skill/interview examination for the post of Community Health Officer under the advertisement issued for contractual recruitment is postponed due to unavoidable reasons.

The date of written/skill/interview examination for the post of Community Health Officer under the advertisement issued for contractual recruitment is postponed due to unavoidable reasons.

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur District Surguja, (CG)

23/01/2025 29/01/2025 View (289 KB)
Walk in interview for contractual recruitment on various posts of Swami Atmanand Government School Of Excellence (English Medium), Brahmapara Ambikapur, Devgarh Sitapur, Batouli, Lakhanpur, Dhourpur Lundra, Narmadapur Mainpat, Udaipur, Keshavpur Ambikapur, Sohga Ambikapur, Rajapur Mainpat, Bilaspur Batouli and Nimha Lakhanpur

Walk in interview for contractual recruitment on various posts of Swami Atmanand Government School Of Excellence (English Medium), Brahmapara Ambikapur, Devgarh Sitapur, Batouli, Lakhanpur, Dhourpur Lundra, Narmadapur Mainpat, Udaipur, Keshavpur Ambikapur, Sohga Ambikapur, Rajapur Mainpat, Bilaspur Batouli and Nimha Lakhanpur

Office of District Education Officer Ambikapur

08/01/2025 28/01/2025 View (6 MB)
List of final preference and final selection after claim/objection of applications received for services of Awas Mitra/dedicated human resource under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin

List of final preference and final selection after claim/objection of applications received for services of Awas Mitra/dedicated human resource under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin

Office – District Panchayat Ambikapur

25/12/2024 25/01/2025 View (612 KB) 02 अंबिकापुर अनंतिम चयन सूची (2 MB) 03 बतौली अनंतिम चयन सूची (396 KB) 04 लखनपुर अनंतिम चयन सूची (1 MB) 05 लुंडराअनंतिम चयन सूची (685 KB) 06 मैनपाट अनंतिम चयन सूची (790 KB) 07 सीतापुर अनंतिम चयन सूची (860 KB) 08 उदयपुर अनंतिम चयन सूची (810 KB) 09 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची उदयपुर (5 MB) 10 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची बतौली (4 MB) 11 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची मैनपाट (5 MB) 12 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची लुण्ड्रा (3 MB) 13 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची लखनपुर (9 MB) 14 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची सीतापुर (6 MB) 15 अपात्र अभ्यर्थियों की सूची सरगुजा (4 MB) 16 पात्र अभ्यर्थियों की अंतिम वरीयरता सूची अम्बिकापुर (8 MB) 17 आवास मित्र दावा आपत्ति का निराकरण (2 MB)
Regarding completion of the process of direct recruitment for the post of vehicle driver within the time limit

Regarding completion of the process of direct recruitment for the post of vehicle driver within the time limit

Office of Deputy Director Elephant Reserve Surguja Ambikapur (CG)

15/01/2025 25/01/2025 View (787 KB)
Under National Health Mission – Date list of skill test of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment

Under National Health Mission – Date list of skill test of applications received for advertisement issued for contractual recruitment

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, Ambikapur
District Surguja, (CG)

07/01/2025 17/01/2025 View (2 MB)
:: Important Information :: The category wise preliminary list of attendance sheet for written/skill/interview test in priority order of the applications for various vacant contractual posts at district level under National Health Mission has been published in the notice board and the official website of the district. This list is not the final selection list. After the skill/written test, the final and category wise list will be published on the basis of educational qualification, experience/bonus marks and total marks obtained in skill test as per the prescribed/rules of point number (3.7) given in the advertisement.

:: Important Information ::
The category wise preliminary list of attendance sheet for written/skill/interview test in priority order of the applications for various vacant contractual posts at district level under National Health Mission has been published in the notice board and the official website of the district. This list is not the final selection list. After the skill/written test, the final and category wise list will be published on the basis of educational qualification, experience/bonus marks and total marks obtained in skill test as per the prescribed/rules of point number (3.7) given in the advertisement.

All the candidates are informed to keep visiting the official website of the district regularly. All the information related to the advertisement will be provided through the website and information/list will be posted in the office.

The office will not be responsible for any information received by the applicants through any other medium.

08/01/2025 17/01/2025 View (547 KB)